Birds Vet
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There are a huge variety of birds available as pets in Australia. Each species has or parrot , chicken , duck etc variety has unique characteristics, colours, sizes, temperament and special needs so it’s important that you learn and gather as much information as possible. This will help you choose the right bird for your needs and also cater adequately for the bird’s needs too. Speak to your Bird veterinarian or Avian trained nurses first. Many bird pet shops can also give good advice. In Victoria John at Peninsula Bird world is very knowledgeable.
Some birds like handling but others don’t. All birds are enjoyable to watch, listen to and have around. Some birds are great talkers, others have a beautiful song and some bring endless fun antics to each day.
Learn all you can about the type of bird you are getting. Equipped with knowledge and understanding, you will have a better idea of what to expect. You'll then be able to provide the pet bird care it needs and the result will be maximum enjoyment.
Buying a bird is a serious commitment for at least five years but some birds can even live as long as you! Keep in mind the following helpful checklist when making your decision:
Children caring for birds:
Pet birds need adult supervision on a daily basis - and should not be left as sole responsibility for children.
- Which bird?
A canary or budgerigar are the most common choices. But make sure the cage is set up for flying and stimulation. and dietary recommendations are followed.
Male or female:
only the male canary sings and whistles, and the male budgerigar is usually easier to teach to talk. There are important differences to be aware of between the genders of each species. AS the larger parrots reach maturity - hormones come on board and can become problematic with behavioral issues following..
Health care routine:
Bring your new bird in to bird vet Melbourne for a health check as soon as it is purchased, and then every year.
- Housing: A well-designed and The minimum size of cage to house one bird will depend on the breed of bird. Queries regarding cage sizes should be referred to the RSPCA. The small bird cage should be positioned indoors in an area where the birds will have frequent human contact, and in which it will be safe to be released for exercise if possible. A portable cage stand permits the birds to be repositioned for their comfort. Appropriate natural perches must be provided as well as well-secured food and water troughs. Cage - as big as possible and rectangular for smaller birds. see the
Ladders, bells,swings, mirrors, and suitable toys provide some stimulation for a caged bird, but avoid over-furnishing as this will crowd the cage and may result in injury. Have some soft toys and some hard toys- some shiny and etc.
At night the cage should be covered over to permit the bird to rest and to protect it from droughts. Should the cage be placed outside the house at any time, it must be in a position that is out of direct sunlight -safe from predators - cats and wild birds AND PARTLY COVERED Birds should not be left in the sun without shade and should be protected from overheating on hot days.
clean the cage regularly.
- Handling:
We offer the services of a bird behaviorist to help with the initial training taming and socialization of your bird
. Teaching a bird to talk starts by using the same word over and over. Once the bird has learnt one word, new words or complete phrases may be achieved.
The caged bird's basic diet is Pellets and dark green vegetables and low fat low sugar human foods and very limited seed mixtures. The food should be made up at least once a day.
Birds hospital