Bird Vet Melbourne

(03) 9808 9011

The Melbourne Bird Vet  on this link 

Our bird veterinarians, and chicken vets  have treated  a range of bird species (including parrots, chickens, galah and more), 
and have developed expert avian vet knowledge over many years to helped you and your feathered friends.

Bird vet Near Me | bird vet

Our longstanding avian veterinary clinic - over 30 years of avian veterinary care in Melbourne, means we  are truly  passionate about the care of your  avian pets.
If you are thinking "Is there an avian vet near me?" We are easily accessible in the middle of the Melbourne Metro area. The bird clinic is fully equipped  to treat your avian pet hospital and to provide the care your birds need.
If you are looking for avian vet recommended parrot food,  or hand rearing formula or toys  for your birds co\me to our Melbourne bird veterinary Hospital.
We stock a wide range of safe economical bird toys and parrot products
Our avian Vets and Avian veterinary nurses are  experienced, in the unique requirements of the often fragile bird patient.
The hospital is purpose designed to deal  with all types birds, and to train bird specialists.
The bird hospital has laboratory equipment, including onsite surgical,radiological, hospitalization and anesthesia facilities.
In addition to medical care for your pets, we also offer professional advice,in a relaxed garden environment, with outside runs. 
We know how much you care for your bird pets like we do. 
Make sure their health is in the hands of an avian vet you can trust.

Chicken vet near me | chicken vet
Looking for a highly experienced bird vet near me ? A bird vet you can trust, Visit bird vet Vets for the best in bird care. Also chicken vet.