Bird Vet Melbourne

(03) 9808 9011

Lorikeet Paralysis syndrome – Lorikeet Vet 

 (Based on work By Avian Vet Danny Brown)

Some symptoms of the Lorikeet paralysis syndrome  - seen by out Lorry Veterinarians 

  • It is a sudden Paralysis or partial paralysis in both feet,

  • The Birds are usually bright and alert

  • They are able to eating and drink

  • Can climb around the cage 

  • Usually adults

  • The Avian vet near me  often also note clenched feet.

  • They are usually unable to perch

  • often resting on their hocks or sternum

  • May have a head tilt

  • Voice changes

  • Tremor

  • Unable to fly, fly weakly

  • Fall forward onto their chests when try to move

  • Use wing tips for support and dragging

  • Spinal trauma is part of the syndrome

  • Not blinking properly

  • no abnormality are found on routine "Avian vet near me"  X-rays

  • no abnormalities on bloods 

  • Also often  beak trauma, intra laminar bleeding etc

Bird Vet near me - Lorikeet vet near me

Dr Phil - Bird vet near me - unintentionally bonding with this young Lorikeet.

Avian vets near me  have been seeing Rainbow Lorikeet Paralysis syndrome since 1970, 

This LPS is very common condition seen by Avian veterinarians in certain areas of the country, with  are epidemics of the syndrome in certain areas.  

Lorikeet paralysis syndrome was  thought to possibly be associated with Lead poisoning in birds, thiamine , Zn or selenium deficiency, viral disease etc . The lorikeet vet near me have not confirmed any of these conditions. 

Lorries "They think slow and move fast" and are "bulldogs of the sky" and seem prone to trauma 

Avian Vet Dr Danny Brown has a hypothesis that the syndrome is associated with damage to the neck vertebra.

The second last cervical vertebra becomes displaced ventrally  - and spinal compression ensues.

Under General anesthesia Lorikeet Vet Dr Brown has been able to replace  the spinal vertebra, and get a fair recovery . 

Many Avian vets near me feel a  brachial plexus crush injury is part of the syndrome.

Therapy by bird vets depends on how early the case is presented
Manipulating the  Vertebra  often results in improvement .  Especially;y so  if caught early.

After  7 – 10 days 33%  to return to flying – 50% improve significantly

Neurological damage takes time to repair

Lorikeet paralysis needs to be differentiated from other cases of trauma and fractures.