Bird Vet Melbourne

(03) 9808 9011

Caring for your pet peacock - Peafowl Veterainarian

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By Avian specialist Dr Pat

Peacocks are spectacular and delightful pets for farms and rural surroundings. Their loud call is a problem if kept in urban areas. Peahens are very susceptible to fox attack, especially if looking after chicks. The males are better able to defend themselves and will readily fly into trees, hence there is often an excess of male peacocks compared with peahens. Peacocks can live into their 30s if well cared for, Bird specialist veterinarian Dr Pat has had her pet peacock, Edward, for over 20 years.

Housing and husbandry or Peafowl

    * Be sure to worm peacocks and treat for coccidia before putting into a clean yard.
    * Provide a sheltered roosting area and litter or other soft substrate to protect feet.
    * Place food and water dishes so that birds do not defaecate in them.
    * Avoid access to metallic objects such as coins, toys, nails, solder or loose wire.
    * Protect from predators, especially foxes.
    * Blackhead, caused by a germ (a protozon prganism called Histomonas) that is transmitted with roundworms, is common in peacocks kept with chickens. It is preferable to house the two species separately. 

Diet -

Peacocks are omnivores and can thrive on a variety of foods:

    * Feed a combination of chicken pellets and mixed grains (barley, wheat, rice);
    * Also give dark leafy green and orange vegetables (spinach, silver beet, grated carrots, beans, peas, broccoli, seeding grasses, etc.) and a protein source such as meat or legumes, daily;
    * Fruit may be offered, as can multi-grain bread, dried dog food, pasta or human table scraps.
    * Shellgrit, crushed cuttlefish or
    * Avoid chocolate, coffee or alcohol, as these can be toxic.

Common conditions seen By Avian Specilaist Vet Dr Pat 

    * Blackhead - Histomoniasis 
    * Coccidiosis;
    * Worm parasites;
    * Feather lice & mites;
    * Attack wounds from predators;
    * Bacterial infections. 

Health Care - 

    * We recommend a health check (with testing as appropriate), when you acquire your new peacock, to check for and prevent common illnesses listed above.  And then Bird Vet Melbourne recommends an anual Well Bird Exam. 

The Melbourne Bird vets recommend vigilance as Birds often hide signs of illness and may only appear unwell when they are very sick. It is important to seek advice early if your bird looks unwell. .

Welcome to Bird Vet melbourne – Avian Veterinary hospital

The only specialist bird vet hospital in Melbourne with three avian veterinarians. The Melbourne based Specialist Bird Veterinary Hospital is located in  south eastern suburbs of Melbourne, in Victoria, Australia.   We see pet many species of pet birds including, Parrots, cockatoos , canaries, budgerigars,  cockatiels, ducks, chickens, pigeons and  finches.  

If you need a bird veterinarian this Melbourne bird Vet facility is caring and empathetic.    The bird vet hospital has facilities and incubators that are purpose made for the small bird  patient.