Bird Vet Melbourne

(03) 9808 9011

Paratyphoid is a well known disease to Pigeon racers and Fancy pigeon keepers .

IN young birds the "gastro" form is most common with symptoms of Diarrhea and going light.  Death occurs is some. 

Older birds with different immunity are able to withstand the "gastro form" but the Salmonella may penetrate the git or intestinal tract and lodge in various filters of the body.

  • Brian - with neurological signs
  • Joint with swollen joints and rapidly damaging the joint.
  • The reproductive organs .  Ovary infection often manifests at breeding time and may be passed on to the egg!!  Occasional infertility in Cock birds also occurs
  • Spreads throughout the body 

Outcome of Paratyphoid ( salmonella enterica) in racing pigeons often depends on the speed of diagnosis and treatment.    

The source is likely Pigeon to Pigeon transmission, rather that due to mice or rats.   

It appears that Paratyphoid in racing Pigeons may not be Zoonotic, ie transmissible to pigeon fanciers.

Lofts are often infected by the bacteria carried in wild pigeons - usually the wild birds are unaffected.   So Paratyphoid is out there and will affect the lofts at some time!.

Treatments of Salmonella enterica ot treatments of Paratyphoid.

Pigeon Antibiotics - strong ones !! Given at the correct dose !! At the correct frequency !! 

So what is the best antibiotic to treat paratyphoid in racing Birds ? 

Ideally : A bacterial culture to confirm the diagnosis and a bacterial anibiogram - to determine which antibiotics   appear to be most effective treating the specific Paratyphoid that has been found in the bird.  The antibiotic are tested in the lab. (antibiogram)

Most birds seem to respond to the Fluroquinalone Antibiotics , the most commonly used one is 

Enrofloxacin - there are many forms and generics the dose I typically use is 15 mg per Kilogram given twice a day, it works out to about 1/4 of a ml or 0.25 ml per individual bird twice daily of the formula we keep.

"Sulfa" antibiotics containing Sulfadimidine and trimethoprim as an example that can be  used in the water.

Amoxicillin and clavulonic acid dosed at about 100 mg/ kg  two or even occasionally three times a day for valuable fliers

Cleaning of the loft - and spraying a disinfectant using a  great South African Product like F10. 

Improving plane of nutrition and nursing care and possibly added warmth. 

It is so reasonable to have a large warm hospital cage for recouperation of individual; sick birds.

more to come soon 12/05/2019